Poetry: “Thou free shalt be”

“An empty room and a silent voice / this bright and burning flame / this god’s universal trial / all of this of sorrow shines.

A damp jail of moldy and neurotic / thoughts. Metronome of my anxiety. / Broken back of a broken heart / back to back to a violent crash

of a bolden light I often ask. / A room of one’s own I just need / to think about the quiet living / which does not belong to me.

I have no roots to cling to / from the wind that hurls / furious its doom. Rotten tree / I ask you: set me free or amnesty should be!

A sleep never restful / a smile never peaceful  / a veil around the neck that / tightens clings and tightens back.

Cowardly is the world / of those who choose to live / without never knowing what life is. / Be gay, my love: thou free shalt be.”

Do you like my writing? I am 31 and I’m an Italian writer, and I’m trying to publish a few works of mine in English language. Feel free to give a look to my books I personally translated in English: Goodnight Wyoming and F. Scott Fitzgerald: Some sort of epic grandeur. If you like or want to talk about my writing with me, you can write me at tizbrignoli1992@gmail.com or follow me on my author Facebook page.

All rights reserved to Tiziano Brignoli ©2024

Foto di Jim Molloy su Unsplash

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